Groundbreaking Texas Research

UTSA is one of Texas’ innovation powerhouses and a driver of economic opportunity and social mobility for our community. Explore the life-changing research happening at San Antonio’s only Tier One university!

Bold Is... pioneering research to solve our grandest challenges

UTSA's research enterprise spans numerous disciplines and is relentlessly committed to discoveries that benefit society at large while providing transformational experiences for students. This commitment is exemplified by the university’s world-class research centers and institutes, which serve as incubators of creativity and discovery in highly specialized areas, from AI and cybersecure manufacturing to brain health and energy security.

Unveiling the mysteries of brain health

The Brain Health Consortium (BHC) is a research and development hub dedicated to discovering the inner workings of the brain to identify novel strategies to prevent disorders, promote development and restore and improve brain function. The center utilizes cutting-edge technologies to find answers to fundamental questions regarding the mechanisms of the brain and diseases such as Alzheimer’s and epilepsy.

Dr. Jenny Hsieh

Professor and department Chair, Neuroscience, Developmental and Regenerative Biology, Brain Health Consortium Director

Recruited to San Antonio to start a world-class research lab, Dr. Hsieh and her team are making scientific discoveries to help those suffering from brain diseases.

Meet Dr. Hsieh

Jenny Hsieh headshot

Need Title

A person interacting with a glowing beam inside a laboratory environment, surrounded by blue lighting

Leading Texas in space engineering and aeronautics

UTSA scientists and engineers are working on innovative technological solutions to advancing human exploration in cislunar space as well as the Earth’s Moon, Mars, and beyond. With federal funding from NASA, DARPA, and others, UTSA discoveries are fueling commercial sector activity for major aerospace groups across Texas and the nation.

Paramedics assist an injured elderly person on a stretcher inside an ambulance

Improving patient outcomes with artificial intelligence

UTSA’s MATRIX AI Consortium for Human Well-Being is fostering transdisciplinary teams that span academia, government, industry, and healthcare ecosystems to make tangible differences for human well-being. Through their research, MATRIX is paving a path forward for the invention, deployment and advancement of AI that promotes whole human health.

Dr. Dhireesha Kidithipudi

Founding Director of MATRIX, Robert F. McDermott Chair in Engineering, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering/Computer Science

Recruited to San Antonio to lead and coordinate UTSA’s efforts in AI initiatives, Dr. Kudithipudi and her team are paving a path forward for the invention, deployment and advancement of AI that promotes whole human health.

Explore Dr. Kidithipudi’s work

Dr. Dhireesha Kidithipudi

Combating cyber threats against Texas manufacturers

UTSA works in partnership with the Department of Energy-funded Cybersecurity Manufacturing Innovation Institute (CyManII) and the National Security Collaboration Center (NSCC) to grow the nation’s epicenter for research, innovation and workforce development for cyber-resilient supply chains. These centers provide the research and expertise to protect Texas manufacturing and train the next generation of leaders in cybersecure manufacturing.

Bold Is... bringing bright minds together to change the world

UTSA is leading collaborations with the nation’s top research institutions to create bold opportunities for the city of San Antonio, the state and the nation.

Fostering socioeconomic advancement

As a founding member of the Alliance of Hispanic Serving Research Universities - established by 20 of the nation’s top research institutions - UTSA is continuing to advance social mobility and economic opportunities for Latino students and their communities through research opportunities.

Read about this innovative alliance

Three students in blue jackets collaboratively working on a machine, focused on their task and engaged in learning
A man in an orange shirt is seated in a wheelchair wearing Oculus googles

Spearheading healthcare enhancement with AI

In partnership with UT Health, UTSA has launched the nation’s first dual degree in medicine and Artificial Intelligence – enabling San Antonio trained physicians to uniquely lead in the practical use of artificial intelligence to improve diagnostic and treatment outcomes.

Learn more about the degree

Bold Is... transforming the Texas economy through research excellence

UTSA's research and development expenditures continue to grow, from $70 million in 2018 to over $158 million in 2023.

UTSA Research and Development Expenditures by Fiscal Year
Growth of UTSA's research and development expenditures (including unrecovered indirect costs) since 2018.

Valdez Institute for Economic Development

The Valdez Institute of Economic Development (IED) at UTSA helps create jobs, grow businesses and foster economic development locally, state-wide and internationally. By connecting real-world business savvy with UTSA's research and talent, the IED exemplifies our urban-serving mission. Highlights from Fiscal Year 2023 include:

Icon of Direct Economic Impact


in direct economic impact
Icon of Financing and investments


in new financing and investments
Icon of Tax Revenue Generated


in new tax revenue generated